Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's fall...

And along comes Oktoberfest and all of the other fall festivals with it! So with the season change I will change my view on cupcake flavors. Out with the lemons and in with the pumpkins and spice!
Well, to get to the root of this post..
My business is still just a blog. *sigh* But since it IS fall and the above activities are soon-to-be in full swing I have an opportunity to take my cupcakes to the streets! I'm planning on having a cupcake stand at a local fall festival. Well its our areas "Mardi Gras".

I have wanted so long for the public to taste what I can do. Not just my family.
So since I have gotten that out of the way its time for FLAVOR.

You have the classic pumpkin and spice cake but I am feeling fruit right now.
Apples and Pears and bananas etc. Don't get me wrong a pumpkin cupcake will be tested and if all goes well it will be sold.

Ideas would be appreciated. If anyone is following me.. =]

Cranberry and chocolate something or other.
Banana and peanut butter(of course).
Apple and bacon something or other.
Pear and almond something or other.
Pomegranate spiced something or other.
And I may even offer some of the other signature flavors as well.

Stick around. This post is early but hopefully I will post pics and recipes of all these in the next post!

Signing off.
,madbatter himself.